All Saints Museum live wax museum series

All Saints Museum will be posting a series of videos in our Live Wax Museum Exhibit.  Please open the link which will lead you to our YouTube Channel, for the first “Live Wax” figure, Saint Gemma Galgani!

Live Wax Museum Exhibit

You can also learn more about this beautiful Saint at our page for Saint Gemma Galgani.


Gods Grace to you this wonderful day!



Catholic Business Directory

Friends of All Saints Museum!  I always find it important to support businesses who’s ideals reflect our Catholic faith.  Immaculate Heart Radio has put together a fantastic Business Directory.  Please consider using this resource when you are deciding on which companies to patronize.  God bless.


Angel of God

Taken from

“Never say that you are alone in the battle against your enemies; never say that you have no one to whom you can open your heart and confide. It would be a grave injustice to this heavenly messenger.” – Padre Pio

St. Padre Pio on your Guardian Angel

Angels and Saints (book recommendation)

All Saints Museum is all about promoting an understanding of the Saints, in particular with regards to our relationship with them. Here is a book I highly recommend by Author Dr. Scott Hahn.
Angels and Saints: A Biblical Guide to Friendship with God’s Holy Ones

There is a promotion going on right now, and you can purchase this book for just $1.99 for your ebook.

God bless,

Saint Jude’s Relic to visit Southern California

Taken from:

“Catholics in Ventura County and around Southern California will be celebrating next month when one of the church’s most venerated relics makes a visit to St. Rose of Lima in Simi Valleyfor three days of healing masses.”

Read more here.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (Holy Card 3)

Today is the Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton!  This is our third installment in our On-Line Exhibit Holy Card project.  This is an ongoing display of our Holy Card Collection.  Holy Cards will continue to be added as our collections align with Feast Days of the Saints in our collection.  God bless.


Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton


View the growing collection at our Holy Card Project page!

Sacred Heart of Jesus (Holy Card 2)

As we mentioned in our previous post, our On-Line Exhibit will be an ongoing display of our Holy Card Collection. Please see our Exhibit Page. We will post a new Holy Card on the feast days that land on the Saints in our Collection. Today is the Epiphany of the Lord and Most Holy Name of Jesus. Our Holy Card for this day is the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Enjoy, and God bless!

The Sacred Heart of Jesus
The Sacred Heart of Jesus

View the growing collection at our Holy Card Project page!

Immaculate Mary (Holy Card 1)

For our first on-line exhibit we will be displaying our collection of Holy Cards. An appropriate start is with the Queen of All Saints, Immaculate Mary.

Immaculate Heart of Mary
Immaculate Heart of Mary

View the growing collection at our Holy Card Project page!

Happy New Year, and a Blessed Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

All Saints Museum is on it’s way, and I hope you will take part in building it with us. Please support us. The Saints are our brothers and sisters who have received their reward and are in Heaven with God for all eternity. They exemplify our hope. And they are our biggest fans. By learning about them and properly venerating them, they will be our guides and our friends in our darkest hours. They will lead us to a deeper relationship with Christ, our Salvation!

May we, through the veneration of Saints of the past, inspire Saints of the future.

God bless!