
Hello All Saints Family,

The Diocese of San Jose alone serves around 600,000 Catholics in 54 parishes, with over 7,000 students in Catholic high schools and over 9,000 students in Catholic elementary schools. The Archdiocese of San Francisco, only a 45 minute drive away, serves more than 500,000 Catholics in 91 parish and more than 90 Catholic schools.

I have a vision of an interactive Museum here in San Jose that will inspire people be Saints! There are many different types of museums, but I think there is something different and inviting about “discovery” museums – where children can touch and explore. We will establish a place that allows children to interact with the exhibits, where parents and children feel welcome and at ease – I really believe this could be a tool in the New Evangelization. Our Community needs a family venue from which to renew their faith and inspire their devotion. All Saints Museum will bring the sacramental aspects of our faith back to the Bay Area. But right now it is just a dream. You can learn more about the Origin of All Saints Museum here.

All Saints Museum is a non-profit and 501c3. Please consider a tax-deductible donation to support this mission. Your contributions will go toward two things – our Present: bringing art and Relics to school children for show and tell, and supporting our Dear Saints book series and Podcasts, and our Future: establishing a location and building a discovery museum that will touch and restore millions of souls.

If you feel called to support, but do not have the financial resources, perhaps you have other resources – connections or business tips, Statues, used books, Relics, Art. We are more than happy to welcome any resource you would like to contribute.  Contact us with any inquiries or suggestions.

Through your generous contributions, this dream will be made real – and you will have a direct impact on our Faith Community. You will help to inspire others to become Saints!

Mail contributes to:
All Saints Museum c/o Jake Huether
5974 Sorrel Ave.
San Jose, CA 95123

Or contribute electronically through the PayPal Link.

God bless,
Your Family at All Saints Museum

May we, through the veneration of Saints of the past, inspire Saints of the future.