
Venerating Saints of the Past.  Inspiring Saints of the Future.

Thank you for visiting All Saints Museum.  Founded on December 20th, 2015, we don’t have a physical location just yet.  We are starting to build “brick by brick” – like Saint Francis.  Our initial efforts are focused on Teaching about the Communion of Saints, and bringing some Relics and Artwork to nearby churches to allow others the opportunity to Venerate the Saints.  We are also doing a few on-line projects.  You can read more about All Saints Museum’s vision and plans below by clicking through our pages.

Very simply our goal is to build a Museum that is fun, hands on, uses high-tech and media that isn’t typical of other Museums in order to educate people about the Saints.  We want to really bring the Saints to life for people.  Not just pictures on a wall (though that will be part of it).

All Saints Museum is one of a kind.  And remember – May we, through the veneration of the Saints of the past, inspire Saints of the future.

Click the links to learn more.

All Saints Museum Origin Story

Mission Statement

All Saints Museum Logo

Articles of IncorporationPledge of Excellence

If you feel called to support this vision, please click the “Donate” button to make your tax-deductible contribution.  Thank you!