Saint Philomena

Saint Philomena – her name meaning Daughter of Light – is also among my favorite Saints.  She has a regal look about her.  Her parents, being converts to Christianity, raised her in the Faith.  But the temptations of the world would soon drive her father to be persuaded to offer his 13 year old daughter as a bride to the emperor Diocletian in exchange for power and security.  However the young Philomena had already promised herself to Jesus.  Miraculously, St. Philomena withstood many attempts against her purity and her life.  Because of her perseverance in her Faith, many of her captors converted to Christianity – giving public testimony to the power of God working through her. She was eventually beheaded, and her Holy body entombed, until centuries later it was rediscovered in the 1800’s.  She is the first and only Saint who became a Saint solely based upon the miracles brought through her intercession.

St. Philomena, Virgin, Martyr and Wonder-Worker.  Patroness of the Living Rosary

Feast Day – August 11th

Born and died in the 4th century.


More about St. Philomena


Also check out YouTube Videos of St. Philomena:

Saint Philomena 1

 Saint Philomena 2

Saint Philomena
Saint Philomena