The Origin Story of All Saints Museum Part 1: The Haunted House

The idea for All Saints Museum didn’t come in a single instant.  It was born from several events over multiple years that has developed with time.

Nevertheless, there is one critical moment that stands out above most others.

About 10 years ago my children were much younger, and I was coaching one of their recreational soccer teams.  It was fall-time, and I thought it would be a great team experience if I held a Halloween Party for the kids and their families – but not just any Halloween Party… I wanted to convert my garage into a haunted house!  I got to work with the plans, drawing up sketches, taking measurements, putting together ideas. With few funds, little materials, but a whole lot of creativity, the 20 x 20 garage space was turned into a wonderland of amusement.  There were steps and stairs, a  slide down into a bottom-less pit illusion, with a house of mirrors, an electric chair, and doorways to nowhere.  We had pneumatic lines to add spooky puffs of air in unsuspecting places, and strobe lights, candles, with motion detectors and black lights to add special effects. My brother-in-law is a tech expert, and he helped put together all the pneumatics, infrared cameras, electric chair prop, with a computer and TV monitors so that the parents could see what was going on from outside! The parents were blown away by the haunted house.  And needless to say, those kids still talk about it to this day.  It was a-maze-ing!

I learned some things from this experience.  I learned that kids minds are already a land-mine of imagination ready to explode at the slightest trigger.  It only takes a little bit of mystery, some seeds of anticipation, and some hints of expectation, and the kids eyes are wide and their hearts pounding  They love adventure and the unknown – some more than others of course. 

I also learned that God was speaking to my heart in all of this.  I had built things before, like the deck I built in my first house, among other diy projects.  I love rolling up my sleeves, getting my hands dirty, and creating things.  We are, as you know, made in the image and likeness of God – who is the Supreme Creator.  So, naturally it is in us to want to make stuff.  I was blessed by my father, who taught me how to use tools.  He taught me the honor and joy in hard work.

But it wasn’t until this haunted house that I understood how such gifts, when stewarded properly, can really and truly bring people together and put smiles on children’s faces.  I saw this and I felt like there was a holy market for such entertainment and joy…

Full Story

Understanding Catholic devotion to the Saints

If you have a hard time understanding the Catholic practice of praying to the Saints, or want to learn more about why Catholics believe what we do about Saints, then my new book – Dear Saints: Catechesis on Saints – is for you.

Written in an easy Question and Answer format, this book is full of scripture references and practical advice that explain and defend Catholics devotion to the Saints. It is divided into 5 sections, and covering a total of 40 questions, which makes this book is ideal for a 40 day devotion.

My prayer is that this Catechesis will be a source of answers for both Catholics and non-Catholics alike in understanding the Saints and their important role in our lives.

All Saints Museum Radio Interview

Friends of All Saints Museum,

I am happy to share with you that All Saints Museum was on the Guadalupe Radio Network a couple weeks ago.  Christina Cox is the host of “Catholics in the Capital”, the founder of the National Museum of Catholic Art and Library (, and she is also a great friend and mentor.   She interviewed me on the topic of Saints, relics, and the power of prayer.

The recording was recently made available to distribute.  My piece shows up around 41 minutes into the show, but the entire program is excellent.  I hope you will listen and enjoy.

Catholics in the Capital with All Saints Museum

​God bless



Words from God the Father

Some harsh words from God the Father in dialogue with St. Catherine of Siena as dictated by her while in a state of ecstasy to her secretaries.

“And I would that you know that, more darkness and division have come into the world amongst seculars and religious and the clergy and pastors of the holy Church, through the lack of the light of justice, and the advent of the darkness of injustice, than from any other causes.”

“Neither the civil law, nor the divine law, can be kept in any degree without holy justice, because he who is not corrected, and does not correct others, becomes like a limb which putrefies, and corrupts the whole body, because the bad physician, when it had already begun to corrupt, placed ointment immediately upon it, without having first burnt the wound. So, were the prelate, or any other lord having subjects, on seeing one putrefying from the corruption of mortal sin, to apply to him the ointment of soft words of encouragement alone, without reproof, he would never cure him, but the putrefaction would rather spread to the other members, who, with him, form one body under the same pastor. But if he were a physician, good and true to those souls, as were those glorious pastors of old, he would not give salving ointment without the fire of reproof. And, were the member still to remain obstinate in his evil doing, he would cut him off from the congregation in order that he corrupt not the other members with the putrefaction of mortal sin. But they act not so today, but, in cases of evil doing, they even pretend not to see. And do you know why? The root of self-love is alive in them, wherefore they bear perverted and servile fear. Because they fear to lose their position or their temporal goods, or their prelacy, they do not correct, but act like blind ones, in that they see not the real way by which their position is to be kept. If they would only see that it is by holy justice they would be able to maintain it; but they do not, because they are deprived of light.”

I do believe that these words apply now more than ever before. Many Priests and Bishops simply will not correct or reproof others, a clear neglect of the Spiritual Works of Mercy – to Instruct the Ignorant and to Admonish the Sinner.

This neglect causes such confusion and conflict.

Take as an example the actively homosexual person who dies. We’ve seen in recent news this very case being debated by a few of our Bishops. There is an intersection between the Corporal Work of Mercy to bury the dead, and an obligation at the same time to the Spiritual Works of Mercy to Instruct the Ignorant and Admonish the Sinner (the deceased person’s partner or family as an example). There needs to be greater teaching about this intersection between the Works of Mercy. Justice demands this teaching and clarification – the light whereby right Mercy can be applied. If we neglect the Spiritual Work of Mercy in this example situation, then we cause great scandal which could lead to the destruction of many souls – and what did it cost? We bury one dead person, but neglect hundreds whose souls may be dead. Yet, with a balanced approach we can still bury the dead appropriately if we also consider the Spiritual Works of Mercy.

Surely today’s Gospel “I desire Mercy not sacrifice”, is made more clear in the light of the Father’s words to St. Catherine. True Mercy applies the ointment only after having treated the wound.

God bless, and may All Saints pray for us. Amen.

Saint Jude’s Relic to visit Southern California

Taken from:

“Catholics in Ventura County and around Southern California will be celebrating next month when one of the church’s most venerated relics makes a visit to St. Rose of Lima in Simi Valleyfor three days of healing masses.”

Read more here.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (Holy Card 3)

Today is the Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton!  This is our third installment in our On-Line Exhibit Holy Card project.  This is an ongoing display of our Holy Card Collection.  Holy Cards will continue to be added as our collections align with Feast Days of the Saints in our collection.  God bless.


Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton


View the growing collection at our Holy Card Project page!

Sacred Heart of Jesus (Holy Card 2)

As we mentioned in our previous post, our On-Line Exhibit will be an ongoing display of our Holy Card Collection. Please see our Exhibit Page. We will post a new Holy Card on the feast days that land on the Saints in our Collection. Today is the Epiphany of the Lord and Most Holy Name of Jesus. Our Holy Card for this day is the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Enjoy, and God bless!

The Sacred Heart of Jesus
The Sacred Heart of Jesus

View the growing collection at our Holy Card Project page!

Immaculate Mary (Holy Card 1)

For our first on-line exhibit we will be displaying our collection of Holy Cards. An appropriate start is with the Queen of All Saints, Immaculate Mary.

Immaculate Heart of Mary
Immaculate Heart of Mary

View the growing collection at our Holy Card Project page!

Happy New Year, and a Blessed Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

All Saints Museum is on it’s way, and I hope you will take part in building it with us. Please support us. The Saints are our brothers and sisters who have received their reward and are in Heaven with God for all eternity. They exemplify our hope. And they are our biggest fans. By learning about them and properly venerating them, they will be our guides and our friends in our darkest hours. They will lead us to a deeper relationship with Christ, our Salvation!

May we, through the veneration of Saints of the past, inspire Saints of the future.

God bless!