Catholic Gifts on Etsy

Etsy is a great place to go for custom and unique Catholic gift items. As Christmas fast approaches, I highly recommend checking out Etsy for gift ideas – it’s an excellent way to support small businesses and people with a genuine interest in growing the faith. The Huether Shoppe is a fantastic suggestion – if I don’t say so myself. My wife and I started The Huether Shoppe during the COVID pandemic as a way to spend a little time together bringing joy to the world – 10% of our proceeds support Pro-Life causes (such as Live Action and the Guadalupe Hope Society), while most of the proceeds support the mission of All Saints Museum. At The Huether Shoppe you will find hoodies, candles, magnets, coffee mugs and other Catholic Christian related items. I hope you will consider us for your Christmas and other Catholic shopping needs.

God bless, in Christ Jesus and his Saints

New Catholic Podcast – Dear Saints Podcast presented by All Saints Museum

I’m really excited to announce that All Saints Museum is proud to present the Dear Saints Podcast, available on Spotify November 28th. I will be reading entries from my Dear Saints book series. The podcast will begin with my Christmas devotional, taking you through Advent, Christmas, and into the New Year over 40 days. The Dear Saints books are written in the voice of the Saints, and they incorporate plenty of Scripture and practical advice to inspire you through each day. Although I highly recommend purchasing your own copy of the Dear Saints books, my wife really urged me to do this podcast for those who don’t necessarily like readying, or may not have time to read – but who would be more apt to listen to a podcast while commuting, etc. I really hope you will enjoy.

Life is the First Issue!

All Saints Museum Family,

If you live in the Bay Area of California, please don’t miss out on this opportunity.

“Why Life is the First Issue” will be addressed by nationally-known pro-life activist Lila Rose at St. Frances Cabrini Church, 15333 Woodard Road, in San Jose on Wednesday, August 10. A reception on the plaza begins at 6:30 p.m., followed by her talk in the church at 7:15. Lila led the first undercover investigations of Planned Parenthood, revealing the abortion giant’s extremism and cover ups of sex-selection abortion, child abuse, racism, infanticide and sex trafficking.

Sponsored by the Evangelization Committee of St. Frances Cabrini Church, this is part of a series of programs on the second Wednesday of each month.