Thank you all for your continued prayers. I’m excited to announce my latest book, Dear Saints: Catechesis on Sacraments, has been published. This book is substantially longer than my previous book, but it has the same structure and readability. You may know that my previous book was award winning – but I personally think Sacraments is even better! Maybe it’s because the Sacraments are so rich in meaning. Or perhaps it’s because the Sacraments breathe the Life of Christ into us. Either way, I think you are in for a treat. The Saints and the Sacraments go hand in hand, and we need both to maximize our experience of the Kingdom. No need to wait. The Kingdom of God is among us NOW! As before, this book is written in Question / Answer format, and it is broken into seven sections corresponding to the Seven Sacraments. Each section explores various questions about the Sacraments. And of course as always it is the Saints who walk you through the responses. I hope you enjoy reading these books as much as I have enjoyed writing them. Please reach out to me with any feedback, as I’m always interested in growing and learning.

God bless in Christ Jesus and all his Saints,
Jake Huether
All Saints Museum