Max and the Beard

Story taken from

The Catholic News Agency

I immediatly thought of The Catholic Gentleman when I read this piece.

Also, please note that the major Relics of St. Maximilian will be touring the US, so visit and venerate if possible.



“”He was on the Nazi radar,” Hamilton emphasized. His superior told him it was better he shaved his beard off so as not to stand out in the society.

Hamilton described how “the brother shaving off the beard put it aside. Maximillian saw it and asked what he was doing.” Then he told the barber brother to throw the beard into the fire. The brother did, but there were no coals.

“So when Maximilian left, he fished it out. By 1939 he was a ‘force’, so the guys knew we better grab some relics while we can,” Hamilton said.”


All Saints Museum Theme Song

I do believe I’ve found a theme song…


The Saint Song


Disclaimer- obviously no intention is made to violate any copyright rules or otherwise.  All credit to the right people… Sung by Dr. Paul Camarata of the SaintCast who posted it on YouTube.


Blessed Mother Teresa Classic

“…in the most surreal moment, I said a prayer to Mother Teresa for Mother Teresa… and the catheter came loose” – Dr. Lombardi – at around 13:53.

Mother Teresa’s Doctor:  Doctor George Lombardi


This video is fairly old, but well worth a refresh.  As we head into the final stretch before Blessed Mother Teresa is formally canonized, please watch it and enjoy.



Saint Agnes Feast Day

Happy Feast day to yet another beautiful virgin and martyr.  Saint Agnes was also persecuted under Diocletian in the late 3rd century, similar to Saint Philomena.  Saint Agnes was only around 13 years old when she was pressured to marry, but she had already promised herself to Jesus.  Her Christian faith cost her life.  Let us pray that we also have this same courage.

All Saints Museum has added two Holy Cards to our Holy Card Project in honor of St. Agnes.  One of them is a personal treasure belonging to a friend of our family named Agnes in the 1950’s.

Learn more about St. Agnes

Visit our On-Line Exhibits  as we add to our collections.



Saints Fabian and Sebastian

In honor of the Feast Day of Saints Fabian and Sebastion All Saints Museum would like to share two short videos about them.  Our hope is that they will stir up a desire in you to discover more about them.

Saint Sebastian
Saint Fabian

Sinners and Saints

What a fantastic reminder, and truly the reason for our hope.

“…there is no saint without a past and no sinner without a future,” – Pope Francis

From the Catholic News Agency

Becoming a Saint starts at home

“The Catholic Watchmen initiative offers the bishops a chance to invite Catholic men to join together and fully live their calling to holiness, encouraging them to take a stand in our culture in favor of Gospel values,” – Bishop Cozzens, an auxiliary bishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis

Read more about the Catholic Watchmen program

Christ’s Side Was Pierced – But which Side?

I found this to be a very interesting question.  I’ve always seen it represented on the right side, either in movies or with crucifixes.  But last year when I started reading for my parish, I was in the sacristy preparing and noticed for the first time a stained glass window and a crucifix both with the piercing on the left.  I asked the priest, who pointed out that the crucifix also showed our Lord with his eyes still opened – so that definitely put accuracy out of the question.


This article helped to explain a little more:

Taken from (

Christ’s Side Pierced


Love for the Saints

“I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, because I hear about your love for all his holy people and your faith in the Lord Jesus.” – Saint Paul’s Letter to Philemon

All Saints Museum is all about promoting love for the Saints, these are the “holy people” who have run the race and made it to Heaven!  We hope to educate and inspire YOU to become one of God’s holy people, to grow in friendship with them in a unique way.

Please click through our Saints page to learn more.

Also, check out our On-Line Exhibits.

We will be adding more Saints as we grow, so check back frequently.


Have a blessed Sunday!

All Saints Museum Pledge

All Saints Museum’s Pledge is our promise to you to operate at a superior level of excellence in an effort to ensure our Mission is fulfilled.  We have been very blessed with the many gifts God has given us.  The Saints give us the example the good servant in the Parable of the Talents.  Our Pledge is our effort to live out this Gospel message.

All Saints Museum’s Pledge