I was blessed to take stewardship of a relic of St. Homobonus recently. His relic arrived in Saint-like fashion on All Saints Day!
Saint Homobonus lived in the 12th century. He was a married layman and became a tailor and merchant, having taken over his father’s business. Therefore, he is considered the Patron Saint of business people. He died on November 13th, 1197, while attending Mass. The name Homobonus is derived from Latin homo bonus, which means “good man”. Indeed, Saint Homobonus was a good man, spending much of his wealth in helping the poor. His fellow citizens petitioned the Pope for his canonization, and he was raised to the altars as a Saint less than two years later.
Today, November 13th, we celebrate his feast day.
Saint Homobonus, Pray for us!