Holy Graduation

Many students will be graduating over the next few weeks.  Let us remember the value of an education; that its value lies in how it can help us to be good stewards of the gifts God has given us.  Let’s pray for all these students, that they may use their educations to glorify God in all they do.  Amen!

Please take a look at our Holy Card Project for our Holy Graduation Card, and many more. 

God bless!

All Saints Museum

Saint Rita of Cascia – Feast Day

Today we celebrate the holy feast day of Saint Rita of Cascia.  Known for her mystical experiences, she is most often depicted with her unique stigmata – the wound of the thorn in her forehead.  Saint Rita was also married and had children.  But her husband passed away, and when her children grew older Saint Rita became an Augustinian Nun.  Saint Rita is the patron Saint of healing wounds, lonely people, tumors, unhappy married women and desperate situations.  Because of her great favor with God there is hardly a prayer she won’t answer.

As mentioned in previous posts, this is an ongoing display of our Holy Card Project.  Holy Cards will continue to be added as our collections align with Feast Days of the Saints in our collection.

God bless.

All Saints Museum

Saint Rita, Pray for us!

Saint Rita
Saint Rita

Holy Card Project Updates

Happy Feast Day to Saint Dymphna, and a very Happy – albeit overdue- feast of Our Lady of Fatima!!

As mentioned in previous posts, this is an ongoing display of our  Holy Card Project. Holy Cards will continue to be added as our collections align with Feast Days of the Saints in our collection.

God bless.

Saint Dymphna, Pray for us!


Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady of Fatima


Saint Dymphna
Saint Dymphna

Saint Damien of Molokai – Feast Day

Happy Feast Day to Saint Damien of Molokai. Known for his love and devotion for the lepers in Molokai, Saint Damien eventually contracted the disease himself and died on April 15, 1889.

As mentioned in previous posts, this is an ongoing display of our Holy Card Project.  Holy Cards will continue to be added as our collections align with Feast Days of the Saints in our collection.

God bless.

Saint Damien of Molokai, Pray for us!


Saint Damien of Molokai
Saint Damien of Molokai

Mary month of May

As we begin the month of May, let us reflect on Mary, Queen of all saints, and her role in the Blessed Family.

We are familiar with Mary as Mother. She is in fact our Mother. We understand this from Scripture when Jesus was hanging on the cross – John 19:26 “Woman, behold your son.” If you are familiar with St. John’s gospel, you will recognize that he refers to himself as the “disciple whom Jesus loved”. Why? Because we can put ourselves into his place. We are the disciples whom Jesus loved. When Jesus gave Mary and John to each other in this mother – son relationship, He gave her to us in the same way.

We may be less familiar, however, with Mary as wife. Perhaps because she is The Virgin. Perhaps because she was Immaculately conceived. Nevertheless, the fact of the matter is Mary was a wife. The Angel told Joseph – Matthew 1:20 “do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife”.

Let us reflect on that. St. Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, writes to the Ephesians the following – Ephesians 5:22 “ Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.” This is something to meditate on for sure – imagine how Our Lady had already submitted herself to the Lord when she said in Luke 1:38 “I am the handmaid of the Lord; be it done unto me according to thy word”.

Mary states that she is the Lord’s handmaid! Now think about how she who is without sin puts herself under the authority of her husband, St. Joseph! She who is without sin, under the authority of someone!!!.

Yet this is a reflection of Christ himself, who became “obedient, even to death on a cross” – Philippians 2:8. Of course we know that Jesus is God, and in His Divinity He knows everything. Yet, Jesus is also fully man, and “he was obedient to them” Luke 2:51. Surely in His Humanity, our Lord learned His obedience at least in part by the humble obedience of His mother!

This is such an important message for us, who are WITH sin. John 13:16 “the servant (i.e. handmaid) is not greater than his master”.

This is all summarized in the Divine Doctrine of Love, who is God Himself.

St. Catherine of Siena (a Doctor of the Church) says this about Holy Obedience –
“Oh! How sweet and glorious is this virtue of obedience, which contains all the other virtues! Because it is born of charity…” I emphasize charity, because it is another word for Love!

And so with this, my friends in Christ, do not be afraid to be obedient. This is a core doctrine for the family, as Mary so clearly teaches us. Let us strive to imitate her who so perfectly imitated her Master, our Lord, Jesus Christ!

Holy Card Project

All Saints Museum has added a few more cards to our Holy Card Project in honor of Divine Mercy Sunday which recently passed, and in honor of Saint Gemma Galgani whose Feast Day is April 11th.  We hope you enjoy this special project as we continue to add cards.

Wedding Day

Easter is here!!  All Saints Museum presents another wonderful song salvaged from an old cassette tape, available on our YouTube Channel.  Let us proclaim “Hallelujah, the Lord is King… And give Him Glory for this Wedding Day!!”  Amen!  We hope you enjoy this inspired song that takes from the Book of Revelation, St. John’s vision for the Blessed Wedding Day.  Easter is the commencement of this Wedding, where we rejoice in the triumph of the Lamb!   This song is played to a set of our Holy images of the Resurrection from around the internet – no copyright violations are intended, and I gladly give all credit to the artists who made such beautiful devotional pictures.

We hope you enjoy.

Wedding Day

Please subscribe to our channel for future posts.  We will continue to add more songs from the album.

Blessed is that Simplicity – Thomas a Kempis

Just a quick break from work to get some Spiritual food from the Imitation.  Such a profound book.  Thank you Lord for Thomas a Kempis.  May he be enjoying the eternal vision of Your Beauty.

“Many have lost devotion, whilst they would search into lofty matters… If thou dost neither understand nor comprehend those things which are beneath the, how mayst thou comprehend such as are above thee?” – The Imitation of Christ

The Imitation of Christ
The Imitation of Christ

Saint Joseph – Feast Day

In Honor of the Feast of St. Joseph, husband of Mary, foster father of our Lord Jesus!  I almost don’t like referring to him as the “foster” father of Jesus.  Even Mary, our Mother, refers to him simply as the father of Jesus – Luke 2:48.  Jesus was raised by Joseph as His father.  We understand the intent to distinguish Jesus’ Heavenly Father as God, but it is right also to refer to Joseph, “a righteous man”, as His father.  St. Joseph, always be a father to us as well.  Adopt us, as you took our Lord under your care.  Amen!

As mentioned in previous posts, this is an ongoing display of our Holy Card Project.  Holy Cards will continue to be added as our collections align with Feast Days of the Saints in our collection.

God bless.

Saint Joseph
Saint Joseph

Hosanna to the Son of David

In anticipation of Palm Sunday, check out this wonderful song.  The whole album is fantastic – especially for the little ones.

Check out this song – starting at 31:30.  You will love it!