How to Love like a Saint

Principal 1:  You can’t control or change other people, you can only control yourself and what you do.

Principal 2:  People give and receive love differently.  There is a book titled “the 5 love languages” that expresses the various ways in which love is given and received.  Therefore according to principal 1 then you should look at the intent of one trying to give you love and accept it not according to how you would like to receive the love, but receive it according to the fact that it is love whether given how you like or not.  We cannot force someone to love us exactly how we would like.  And conversely, you should do all you can to give love the way the other wishes to receive it best.  These two principals therefore are both used together.

Principal 3: God is personal (3 persons, 1 God). Consequently, God too gives and receives love according to Principal 2.  And then applying Principal 1 and 2 to ourselves in relation to God, we should try to understand how God has given us Love as well as how He would like to receive Love from us.

“Learn… how Jesus wishes to be loved.” – St. Gemma Galgani: